Once we have received all your packages, choose the consolidation you prefer:
Once we have received all your packages, choose the consolidation you prefer:
Consolidate all unopened packages in a larger box. You can reinforce the protection between the boxes to prevent possible damage during transport.
Open all the packages and put their contents into a larger box. You can reinforce the protection of the contents of the packages to prevent possible damage during transport, as well as vacuum pack the textile materials to reduce the volume of the package as much as possible and save a lot of money on shipping costs.
We deliver to our trusted carrier a single package with all your consolidated purchases.
You receive all your purchases quickly at home.
You receive all your purchases quickly at home.
We offer you the best rates so you can save by forwarding your purchases back home.
We offer you safe international transport thanks to our global network of trusted carriers.
Pay with total security through official payment methods.
Contact us by email, social networks, WhatsApp or Telegram.