Go to https://pakedia.com/user/#/signup and sign up in just a few clicks. You will instantly get your FREE Spanish address.
When you sign up for PAKEDIA, you must provide your full name and surname, your national ID number or other identity documents (if you are an individual), your company registration number or VAT number (if you are a company), contact telephone number, e-mail address and the postal address where we will forward your purchases.
Using PAKEDIA is very simple. We allow you to shop online as if you were in Spain and we forward your purchases home.
To use our services, sign up for free and instantly get your new postal address in Spain. You can then start shopping on the Spanish websites of your favourite brands.
Use your PAKEDIA Spanish address as your delivery address at checkout: indicate as the delivery address your new address in Spain that you will find in your personal area, as well as our contact telephone number (622400840) so that the carrier can contact us.
We advise you to always choose the option of manually entering our postal address instead of using the automatic search engine offered by some websites.
To identify you as quickly and securely as possible, when you sign up for PAKEDIA, we will automatically assign you a customer code (for example, PK100025) which you will have to fill in along with your name and surname, as shown below:
Name: | PAKEDIA PK100025 |
Surname: | Lucía Jiménez Otero |
Postal address: | PAKEDIA’s postal address (you will find it in your personal area) |
Postal code: | 28706 |
City: | San Sebastián de los Reyes |
Province: | Madrid |
Phone number: | 622 40 08 40 |
Here are some examples of how you should complete the above fields:
Example 1:
Example 2:
Here’s a small tip! If the website doesn’t allow you to enter your customer code PK00025 using numbers, you can input it using letters: PKtwofive, and voilà!
If you are unable to provide all the information in the above fields, please enter it in the free fields of the form.
If you have any questions when placing your order, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Under no circumstances may PAKEDIA’s postal address be used for purposes other than sending online purchases for subsequent forwarding. This postal address may not be used as a tax, business, or residence address or for the creation of bank accounts, or personal e-mails, among others.
Once you have placed an order, you must log into your personal area and register the order in the section “Incoming packages” indicating the sender/seller, shipping/tracking code, and the expected delivery date to our warehouses.
When you make an online purchase, always remember to notify us by registering the order in your personal area, so that we know which packages are on their way. Packages that have not been notified will be rejected by PAKEDIA.
At PAKEDIA we only receive packages that you have purchased yourself, we do not receive packages from someone who has purchased on your behalf. Most online shops in Spain have a tracking number through which you can communicate with the carrier and find out the status of the delivery. If a shop does not offer a tracking number for your order, you should make sure that the package is delivered by hand and not left in the post box.
In your personal area, you will find your new postal address in Spain, which you must enter as the delivery address at the checkout.
When you are filling in your details on the seller’s website, always enter “PAKEDIA” followed by the customer code we have assigned to you (e.g. PK00025, which you will find in your personal area) together with your name and surname.
Here’s a small tip! If the website doesn’t allow you to enter your customer code PK00025 using numbers, you can input it using letters: PKtwofive, and voilà!
All this information allows us to identify the owner of the package we receive.
Remember that when you place an order, you will have to indicate in the checkout process:
- “PAKEDIA” followed by your customer code (e.g. PK00025). If the website doesn’t allow you to enter your customer code PK00025 using numbers, you can input it using letters: PKtwofive, and voilà!
- Your full name and surname.
- Your new address in Spain (which you will find in your personal area) as the delivery address.
- Our contact telephone number (622400840) so that the carrier can contact us.
Remember that packages will be received from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm. You can indicate your delivery preferences in the tracking of your order that the seller will have sent to your e-mail address.
It is important that whenever you make an online purchase, you ask the seller for the invoice of the purchase (tickets or online receipts will not be valid). To do this, you must provide your full name and surname, as well as your ID and postal address.
The original purchase invoice will be requested in case your package suffers any incidents during transportation, as well as in cases where you request forwarding via air transportation or to customs territories.
PAKEDIA does not ship perishable goods, fresh food products, or alcohol.
Likewise, PAKEDIA neither receives nor ships objects, products or substances whose circulation is prohibited by applicable national or international laws for reasons of security, public health, general use, and protection of postal services.
There are different types of prohibitions on sending items through the postal services of each country, so you must check that the items you want to forward are not among the items whose transport is prohibited in both the country of origin and the country of destination before placing the order.
You should regularly check the information on prohibited items on the official websites set up for this purpose (e.g. embassies) before placing an order and requesting its forwarding with PAKEDIA.
For illustrative purposes only, some of these items are listed below (non-exhaustive list):
- Any product prohibited by the legislation in force in Spain, as well as in the country of delivery or by air and land transport legislation.
- Articles prohibited by the International Civil Aviation Organisation.
- Any object that, due to its nature or packaging, may represent a danger to the human environment, aircraft safety, or damage other packaged products.
- Perishable goods.
- Any type of drug/narcotic.
- Tobacco, vaporisers, electronic cigarettes.
- Alcohol, alcoholic beverages, or any product containing alcohol.
- Stolen or illegally acquired items.
- Biological samples.
- Human organs or human substances.
- Animals (dead or alive), animal organs, or substances.
- Medicines, vaccines, medical devices, vitamins, food supplements, as well as any type of controlled substance and any type of medical article or product, whether for professional or domestic use.
- Any kind of plants, seeds, and their derivatives.
- Pornographic material and hate propaganda.
- Any type of weapon or weapon parts (axes, knives, swords, etc.), ammunition, real or artificial weapons, and all accessories for firearms.
- Compressed and/or pressurised gases, as well as any type of cylinder or tank (even empty).
- Explosives, firecrackers, fire extinguishers.
- Oxidising, chemical, flammable, radioactive, toxic, infectious, or corrosive substances.
- Magnetised products, motors, and solid carbon dioxide (dry ice).
- Any kind of lighters, matches, and flammable or combustible substances or liquids.
- Lithium batteries and cells. Most rechargeable devices have them built-in (laptop, mobile phone, MP3, among others), as well as some non-rechargeable devices (watches and thermometers, among others). Before placing an order containing any of these materials, please contact us so that we can analyse the suitability of shipping them to your country.
- Valuable items such as jewellery, precious stones and materials, coins, banknotes, negotiable instruments, bank cards, lottery tickets, mobile phone SIM cards, etc.
- Oil paintings.
- Counterfeit, stolen, or illegally acquired products, as well as any product that infringes copyright.
- Passports, driving licences, identity cards, letters, and other important documents.
- Bulky items such as chairs, electrical appliances, rims, tyres, etc.
- Containers made of glass, crystal, marble, porcelain, etc.
To avoid receiving any suspicious items, PAKEDIA will only accept packages from official senders/sellers, but not from private individuals.
Important: We remind you that the responsibility for the content of the packages that PAKEDIA receives and forwards lies exclusively with the customer, and PAKEDIA declines all responsibility for it. Therefore, you must ensure that the packages you send to PAKEDIA do not contain restricted, dangerous, prohibited, and/or limited merchandise by the country of origin and destination.
When we receive a package in our warehouses, to correctly identify the owner, we check your full name and surname, together with the customer code you provided when you made your order and indicated the delivery address on the package’s identification label (see How to use PAKEDIA?).
After verifying that the package details match the order details you have registered in your personal area, we register it in our systems and notify you by e-mail that we have received your package correctly, updating its status in your personal area. Afterwards, we take a photo of the package, measure it, and weigh it so that you can easily calculate the forwarding cost.
Once this process has been completed, we wait for your instructions to proceed to forward the package: you can choose to forward the package directly or wait until we receive more packages to forward them all together in a single package (consolidated) and save up to 80% on shipping.
In general, and unless requested by the customer (MAXI service), PAKEDIA does not open or handle any package. The package is forwarded in its original packaging, removing any shipping labels between the seller’s premises and our warehouses.
However, PAKEDIA reserves the right to open a package when it is not possible to correctly identify the owner of the package or when there are suspicions about the legality of its content.
To ensure that the packages you forward with PAKEDIA arrive in the best condition, the cardboard boxes we use in our consolidation service are of premium quality to ensure their international transport.
If you decide to forward a package directly, without choosing the consolidation service, you must ensure that the quality of the packaging is suitable for international transport. As many sellers do not prepare packages correctly for international transport, it is up to you to ask us to check the condition of the package (damaged or defective) as well as the quality of the material. This check is not done as a matter of routine and must be requested by you once you have registered your package in your personal area. If the packaging we have received from the seller is not suitable for international shipping, you can choose to exchange the box when requesting the forwarding of the package.
When you send a package to PAKEDIA’s postal address, you can manage its forwarding by choosing one of the following options:
- MINI service: forward your package in its original packaging, without opening or handling it.
- STANDARD service: wait to receive more packages and, without opening or handling them, place them all in a new box to forward them together and pay for a single shipment.
- MAXI service: wait to receive more packages, open them and place their contents in a new box (with handling) to forward them together, optimising the weight and size of the box, and pay for a single shipment. By optimising the weight and size of the box as much as possible, you will save considerably on shipping costs.
Sealed packages, technological products, and those identified as “Fragile” are excluded from the STANDARD and MAXI services.
Remember that we offer the following services completely free of charge:
- We receive your package: we identify you by your name and surname, together with your customer code, and notify you that we have received it.
- We send you two photos of the package: exterior and weight.
- We measure and weigh the package so you can calculate how much it will cost to forward it.
- We store your package free of charge for 15 days.
- If you wish to place multiple orders, we consolidate up to 3 packages into 1 free of charge so that you only pay for one shipment.
Yes, we can consolidate your packages so that you only pay for the shipment of one package.
If you place several orders and wish to forward them all together, simply select the packages you want to forward in the “Received packages” section of your personal area when requesting forwarding.
You must select the orders you want us to consolidate and, depending on the weight and measurements we have indicated for each package, the shipping costs will be automatically calculated. The average weight of the cardboard boxes we use for package forwarding will be added to the total weight of your packages, so you won’t be surprised when making the payment. In addition, the total volumetric weight of your consolidated packages will be automatically calculated according to the size of each package, as well as the size of our boxes.
The consolidation service is completely free of charge up to a maximum of 3 packages. For each additional package you want to consolidate, we will charge you 2 euros per package if we do not have to handle it (STANDARD service) or 3 euros per package if it requires handling (MAXI service).
Please note that we can forward packages up to 30 kg per shipment and that the maximum package size we can forward is 60x40x40 (cm). If the packages exceed these limitations, individually or consolidated, they must be sent separately.
Make sure your consolidated packages fit into our boxes.
No, you will only be able to forward your package to the postal address you have registered in your personal area.
At PAKEDIA we only receive packages that you have purchased yourself, we do not receive packages from someone who has purchased on your behalf. Most online shops in Spain have a tracking number through which you can communicate with the carrier and find out the status of the delivery. If a shop does not offer a tracking number for your order, you should make sure that the package is delivered by hand and not left in the post box.
When we receive a package in our warehouses, to correctly identify the owner, we check your full name and surname, together with the customer code you provided when you made your order and indicated the delivery address on the package’s identification label (see How to use PAKEDIA?).
After verifying that the package details match the order details you have registered in your personal area, we register it in our systems and notify you by e-mail that we have received your package correctly, updating its status in your personal area. Afterwards, we take a photo of the package, measure it, and weigh it so that you can easily calculate the forwarding cost.
Once this process has been completed, we wait for your instructions to proceed to forward the package: you can choose to forward the package directly or wait until we receive more packages to forward them all together in a single package (consolidated) and save up to 80% on shipping.
We check the identity of the owner of the package by his or her name and surname, as well as the customer code that is automatically assigned to the customer when they sign up at https://pakedia.com/user/#/signup.
For example:
Lucía Jiménez Otero
PAKEDIA‘s postal address
Madrid (Spain)
You will find this information in your personal area.
Yes, you are the owner of the contents of the packages that we receive in our warehouses and then forward to your home address.
We cannot identify who the package belongs to.
In that case, we can:
- Refuse the package, which will be returned by the carrier to the sender.
- Open the package to try to identify the owner. If we are still unable to identify the owner, we will keep the package in our warehouses free of charge for 15 days while waiting for the owner of the package to contact us. At the end of this period, the package will be destroyed.
We store your packages free of charge for 15 days. After this period, you will be charged 50 euro cents per package per day of storage. The maximum storage period is 60 days. After this period, PAKEDIA is entitled to donate or destroy the package.
In general, and unless requested by the customer (MAXI service), PAKEDIA does not open or handle any package. The package is forwarded in its original packaging, removing any shipping labels between the seller’s premises and our warehouses.
However, PAKEDIA reserves the right to open a package when it is not possible to correctly identify the owner of the package or when there are suspicions about the legality of its content.
MINI service: we do not open or handle your package, so the protection of your items will be the one applied by the seller at the origin. However, if the package arrives in poor condition or its quality is not suitable for international shipping, you can request a box exchange when requesting the forwarding of the package.
STANDARD service: we do not open or handle the contents of your packages, so the protection of your items will be the same as that applied by the seller at the origin. When requesting forwarding, you can choose to reinforce the protection between the packages that we have consolidated in a single box to avoid possible displacement and damage during transport.
MAXI service: we open your packages and place their contents in a new box, using the same protection used by the seller. When requesting forwarding, you can choose to reinforce the protection of your items to avoid possible displacement and damage during transport.
If you need more information, please contact us.
Yes, we can consolidate your packages so that you only pay for the shipment of one package.
If you place several orders and wish to forward them all together, simply select the packages you want to forward in the “Received packages” section of your personal area when requesting forwarding.
You must select the orders you want us to consolidate and, depending on the weight and measurements we have indicated for each package, the shipping costs will be automatically calculated. The average weight of the cardboard boxes we use for package forwarding will be added to the total weight of your packages, so you won’t be surprised when making the payment. In addition, the total volumetric weight of your consolidated packages will be automatically calculated according to the size of each package, as well as the size of our boxes.
The consolidation service is completely free of charge up to a maximum of 3 packages. For each additional package you want to consolidate, we will charge you 2 euros per package if we do not have to handle it (STANDARD service) or 3 euros per package if it requires handling (MAXI service).
Please note that we can forward packages up to 30 kg per shipment and that the maximum package size we can forward is 60x40x40 (cm). If the packages exceed these limitations, individually or consolidated, they must be sent separately.
Make sure your consolidated packages fit into our boxes.
To ensure that the packages you forward with PAKEDIA arrive in the best condition, the cardboard boxes we use in our consolidation service are of premium quality to ensure their international transport.
If you decide to forward a package directly, without choosing the consolidation service, you must ensure that the quality of the packaging is suitable for international transport. As many sellers do not prepare packages correctly for international transport, it is up to you to ask us to check the condition of the package (damaged or defective) as well as the quality of the material. This check is not done as a matter of routine and must be requested by you once you have registered your package in your personal area. If the packaging we have received from the seller is not suitable for international shipping, you can choose to exchange the box when requesting the forwarding of the package.
PAKEDIA does not ship perishable goods, fresh food products or alcohol.
Likewise, PAKEDIA neither receives nor ships objects, products or substances whose circulation is prohibited by applicable national or international laws for reasons of security, public health, general use, and protection of postal services.
There are different types of prohibitions regarding the shipment of items through postal services in each country, so you must check that the item you wish to forward is not among the item whose transport is prohibited both in the country of origin and the destination country.
You should regularly check the information on prohibited items on the official websites set up for this purpose (e.g. embassies) before placing an order and requesting its forwarding with PAKEDIA.
For illustrative purposes only, some of these items are listed below (non-exhaustive list):
- Any product prohibited by the legislation in force in Spain, as well as in the country of delivery or by air and land transport legislation.
- Articles prohibited by the International Civil Aviation Organisation.
- Any object that, due to its nature or packaging, may represent a danger to the human environment, aircraft safety, or damage other packaged products.
- Perishable goods.
- Any type of drug/narcotic.
- Tobacco, vaporisers, electronic cigarettes.
- Alcohol, alcoholic beverages, or any product containing alcohol.
- Stolen or illegally acquired items.
- Biological samples.
- Human organs or human substances.
- Animals (dead or alive), animal organs, or substances.
- Medicines, vaccines, medical devices, vitamins, food supplements, as well as any type of controlled substance and any type of medical article or product, whether for professional or domestic use.
- Any kind of plants, seeds, and their derivatives.
- Pornographic material and hate propaganda.
- Any type of weapon or weapon parts (axes, knives, swords, etc.), ammunition, real or artificial weapons, and all accessories for firearms.
- Compressed and/or pressurised gases, as well as any type of cylinder or tank (even empty).
- Explosives, firecrackers, fire extinguishers.
- Oxidising, chemical, flammable, radioactive, toxic, infectious, or corrosive substances.
- Magnetised products, motors, and solid carbon dioxide (dry ice).
- Any kind of lighters, matches, and flammable or combustible substances or liquids.
- Lithium batteries and cells. Most rechargeable devices have them built-in (laptop, mobile phone, MP3, among others), as well as some non-rechargeable devices (watches and thermometers, among others). Before placing an order containing any of these materials, please contact us so that we can analyse the suitability of shipping them to your country.
- Valuable items such as jewellery, precious stones and materials, coins, banknotes, negotiable instruments, bank cards, lottery tickets, mobile phone SIM cards, etc.
- Oil paintings.
- Counterfeit, stolen, or illegally acquired products, as well as any product that infringes copyright.
- Passports, driving licences, identity cards, letters, and other important documents.
- Bulky items such as chairs, electrical appliances, rims, tyres, etc.
- Containers made of glass, crystal, marble, porcelain, etc.
To avoid receiving any suspicious items, PAKEDIA will only accept packages from official senders/sellers, but not from private individuals.
Important: We remind you that the responsibility for the content of the packages that PAKEDIA receives and forwards lies exclusively with the customer, and PAKEDIA declines all responsibility for it. Therefore, you must ensure that the packages you send to PAKEDIA do not contain restricted, dangerous, prohibited, and/or limited merchandise by the country of origin and destination.
PAKEDIA is responsible for your package from the moment the carrier delivers it to our warehouses until we hand it over to the carrier that will take it to your destination. Our service, and therefore our responsibility, begins when we receive your package in our warehouses and ends when we deliver your package to the carrier, who will be responsible for delivering your package to your home.
Yes, you can return your package to our warehouses on your own. You will have to contact the carrier of your choice and request the shipment to our warehouses.
We also offer you the possibility of returning your package to one of our trusted carriers. In this case, you will need to contact us so that we can inform you about the shipping rate.
Both shipping costs and other related costs (such as customs duties) will always be at your expense.
Whether you wish to return your package with a carrier of your choice or send it with one of our trusted carriers, you must contact us by e-mail at pedidos@pakedia.com to notify us of the arrival of a package on your behalf and tell us what to do with your package once it has been returned to our warehouses.
Remember that you must pack the items you want to return in the same condition you received the package or the carrier may refuse collection or increase the collection fee.
Yes, the weight limit per shipment is 30 kg (actual or volumetric), and the maximum dimensions of the boxes we forward are 60x40x40 (cm). If the packages exceed these limitations, individually or consolidated, they must be sent separately.
You must ensure that your consolidated packages fit into our boxes.
The volumetric weight is a measurement used by the transport industry to calculate the volume of the package to be transported by converting the volume of the package into kilos.
The actual weight and volumetric weight of the package are used to determine the final shipping price. It is important to note that the shipping cost is based on the actual weight or volumetric weight – whichever is greater. Volumetric weight is calculated using the following formula:
Volumetric weight = (Length x Width x Height in cm) / 5000
Here is an example:
We have two 3 kg packages with different sizes: 50x40x30 (cm) and 30x30x30 (cm). The volumetric weight of the 50x40x30 box will be 12 kg and that of the 30x30x30 box will be 5.4 kg, so the carrier will charge the cost of a 12 kg shipment.
Remember, a kilo of lead and a kilo of feathers will not have the same volumetric weight – the former will weigh one kilo while the latter will be invoiced for several kilos!
When placing an order, you should bear in mind that the cardboard box and the protective packaging enlarge the size and increase the weight of the package. If you do not know the weight and dimensions of your package, please check with the seller.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
PAKEDIA does not ship perishable goods, fresh food products or alcohol.
Likewise, PAKEDIA neither receives nor ships objects, products or substances whose circulation is prohibited by applicable national or international laws for reasons of security, public health, general use, and protection of postal services.
There are different types of prohibitions regarding the shipment of items through postal services in each country, so you must check that the item you wish to forward is not among the item whose transport is prohibited both in the country of origin and the destination country.
You should regularly check the information on prohibited items on the official websites set up for this purpose (e.g. embassies) before placing an order and requesting its forwarding with PAKEDIA.
For illustrative purposes only, some of these items are listed below (non-exhaustive list):
- Any product prohibited by the legislation in force in Spain, as well as in the country of delivery or by air and land transport legislation.
- Articles prohibited by the International Civil Aviation Organisation.
- Any product prohibited by the legislation in force in Spain, as well as in the country of delivery or by air and land transport legislation.
- Articles prohibited by the International Civil Aviation Organisation.
- Any object that, due to its nature or packaging, may represent a danger to the human environment, aircraft safety, or damage other packaged products.
- Perishable goods.
- Any type of drug/narcotic.
- Tobacco, vaporisers, electronic cigarettes.
- Alcohol, alcoholic beverages, or any product containing alcohol.
- Stolen or illegally acquired items.
- Biological samples.
- Human organs or human substances.
- Animals (dead or alive), animal organs, or substances.
- Medicines, vaccines, medical devices, vitamins, food supplements, as well as any type of controlled substance and any type of medical article or product, whether for professional or domestic use.
- Any kind of plants, seeds, and their derivatives.
- Pornographic material and hate propaganda.
- Any type of weapon or weapon parts (axes, knives, swords, etc.), ammunition, real or artificial weapons, and all accessories for firearms.
- Compressed and/or pressurised gases, as well as any type of cylinder or tank (even empty).
- Explosives, firecrackers, fire extinguishers.
- Oxidising, chemical, flammable, radioactive, toxic, infectious, or corrosive substances.
- Magnetised products, motors, and solid carbon dioxide (dry ice).
- Any kind of lighters, matches, and flammable or combustible substances or liquids.
- Lithium batteries and cells. Most rechargeable devices have them built-in (laptop, mobile phone, MP3, among others), as well as some non-rechargeable devices (watches and thermometers, among others). Before placing an order containing any of these materials, please contact us so that we can analyse the suitability of shipping them to your country.
- Valuable items such as jewellery, precious stones and materials, coins, banknotes, negotiable instruments, bank cards, lottery tickets, mobile phone SIM cards, etc.
- Oil paintings.
- Counterfeit, stolen, or illegally acquired products, as well as any product that infringes copyright.
- Passports, driving licences, identity cards, letters, and other important documents.
- Bulky items such as chairs, electrical appliances, rims, tyres, etc.
- Containers made of glass, crystal, marble, porcelain, etc.
To avoid receiving any suspicious items, PAKEDIA will only accept packages from official senders/sellers, but not from private individuals.
Important: We remind you that the responsibility for the content of the packages that PAKEDIA receives and forwards lies exclusively with the customer, and PAKEDIA declines all responsibility for it. Therefore, you must ensure that the packages you send to PAKEDIA do not contain restricted, dangerous, prohibited, and/or limited merchandise by the country of origin and destination.
With PAKEDIA, you can request the forwarding of your purchases to any country in the world (except for certain countries to which carriers do not ship).
Shipments from Spain to European Union countries do not incur customs charges, except for some European territories to which we do not ship: Büsingen and Helgoland (Germany), Feore and Greenland Islands (Denmark), Åland Islands (Finland), Mount Athos (Greece), French Overseas Departments (France), Campione d’Italia, Livigno, San Marino and the Vatican (Italy).
In the “Pricing” section of our website, we list the main destinations to which we ship. If the country to which you want to forward your purchases is not listed, please contact us so that we can send you the best available rates.
Remember that PAKEDIA does not ship to islands or remote areas.
Yes, we can refuse a package when we find that it visibly exceeds the maximum weight or dimensions allowed for forwarding. In this way, we save you the trouble of requesting the return of the order to the sender.
Remember that you cannot forward more than 30 kg per shipment and that the maximum package size we can forward is 60x40x40 (cm). Make sure that your consolidated packages fit into our boxes.
We will also refuse any package that has not been notified (registered) by the customer in his personal area.
At PAKEDIA we only receive packages that you have purchased yourself, we do not receive packages from someone who has purchased on your behalf. Most online shops in Spain have a tracking number through which you can communicate with the carrier and find out the status of the delivery. If a shop does not offer a tracking number for your order, you should make sure that the package is delivered by hand and not left in the post box.
No, you will only be able to forward your package to the postal address you have registered in your personal area.
No, you must always use your name and surname, along with your customer code, so that we can certify that the package belongs to you.
Under no circumstances may PAKEDIA’s postal address be used for purposes other than sending online purchases for subsequent forwarding. This postal address may not be used as a tax, business, or residence address or for the creation of bank accounts, or personal e-mails, among others.
To ensure that the packages you forward with PAKEDIA arrive in the best condition, the cardboard boxes we use in our consolidation service are of premium quality to ensure their international transport.
If you decide to forward a package directly, without choosing the consolidation service, you must ensure that the quality of the packaging is suitable for international transport. As many sellers do not prepare packages correctly for international transport, it is up to you to ask us to check the condition of the package (damaged or defective) as well as the quality of the material. This check is not done as a matter of routine and must be requested by you once you have registered your package in your personal area. If the packaging we have received from the seller is not suitable for international shipping, you can choose to exchange the box when requesting the forwarding of the package.
When you send a package to PAKEDIA’s postal address, you can manage its forwarding by choosing one of the following options:
- MINI service: forward your package in its original packaging, without opening or handling it.
- STANDARD service: wait to receive more packages and, without opening or handling them, place them all in a new box to forward them together and pay for a single shipment.
- MAXI service: wait to receive more packages, open them and place their contents in a new box (with handling) to forward them together, optimising the weight and size of the box, and pay for a single shipment. By optimising the weight and size of the box as much as possible, you will save considerably on shipping costs.
Sealed packages, technological products, and those identified as “Fragile” are excluded from the STANDARD and MAXI services.
Remember that we offer the following services completely free of charge:
- We receive your package: we identify you by your name and surname, together with your customer code, and notify you that we have received it.
- We send you two photos of the package: exterior and weight.
- We measure and weigh the package so you can calculate how much it will cost to forward it.
- We store your package free of charge for 15 days.
- If you wish to place multiple orders, we consolidate up to 3 packages into 1 free of charge so that you only pay for one shipment.
We store your packages free of charge for 15 days. After this period, you will be charged 50 euro cents per package per day of storage. The maximum storage period is 60 days. After this period, PAKEDIA is entitled to donate or destroy the package.
At PAKEDIA we are constantly seeking ways to improve the environmental sustainability of our operations throughout our organization. For this reason, and whenever distances allow it, we prioritize ground shipping over air shipping.
Depending on the country of destination, PAKEDIA offers two different shipping methods:
- Ground shipping: shipment is made by standard ground transportation. The shipping rate is based on the actual weight or volumetric weight, whichever is greater. The estimated delivery time is 2 to 6 business days, depending on the destination. If you would like an express delivery, please contact us.
- Air shipping: shipment is made by air transport (standard and express). The shipping rate is based on the actual weight or volumetric weight, whichever is greater.
- Air standard: the estimated delivery time is 3 to 4 business days, depending on the destination.
- Air express: the estimated delivery time is 1 to 2 business days, depending on destination.
Estimated delivery times are those provided by the carriers PAKEDIA works with. Since PAKEDIA does not transport the package to its destination, PAKEDIA cannot guarantee compliance with the estimated delivery times established by the carriers.
Yes, you can return your package to our warehouses on your own. You will have to contact the carrier of your choice and request the shipment to our warehouses.
We also offer you the possibility of returning your package to one of our trusted carriers. In this case, you will need to contact us so that we can inform you about the shipping rate.
Both shipping costs and other related costs (such as customs duties) will always be at your expense.
Whether you wish to return your package with a carrier of your choice or send it with one of our trusted carriers, you must contact us by e-mail at pedidos@pakedia.com to notify us of the arrival of a package on your behalf and tell us what to do with your package once it has been returned to our warehouses.
Remember that you must pack the items you want to return in the same condition you received the package or the carrier may refuse collection or increase the collection fee.
Unlike other companies, at PAKEDIA we offer you several services completely free of charge:
- We receive your package: we identify you by your name and surname, together with your customer code, and notify you that we have received it.
- We send you two photos of the package: exterior and weight.
- We measure and weigh the package so you can calculate how much it will cost to forward it.
- We store your package free of charge for 15 days.
- If you wish to place multiple orders, we consolidate up to 3 packages into 1 free of charge so that you only pay for one shipment.
To manage the forwarding of your purchases, we offer you the following alternatives:
- MINI service: we forward your package in its original packaging, without opening or handling it.
Cost: 9.95 euros, VAT included.
- STANDARD service: we wait until we receive more packages and then, without opening or handling them, we put them all in a new box and forward them together to pay for a single shipment.
Cost: 12.95 euros, VAT included.
From 3 packages upwards, 2 euros per package.
- MAXI service: we wait until we receive more packages, open them, and place their contents in a new box (with handling) to forward them together, optimising the weight and size of the box, and pay for a single shipment. By optimising the weight and size of the box as much as possible, you will save considerably on shipping costs.
Cost: 15.95 euros, VAT included.
From 3 packages upwards, 3 euros per package.
Sealed packages, technological products, and those identified as “Fragile” are excluded from the STANDARD and MAXI services.
The shipping rates we offer correspond to the rates provided by our network of trusted carriers and may be updated whenever the carriers deem it necessary.
Of course, all our prices include VAT, so you won’t get any surprises when you pay.
However, shipping rates to non-EU countries or territories are exempt from VAT, so the shipping rates to these territories that we show on our website are the final prices, excluding VAT, that the customer will have to pay.
6- Origin of goods
Yes, we always recommend online shopping in Spain as our country has highly competitive prices compared to any other country. However, there is no problem in making online purchases in any other country and sending your packages to our warehouses as long as the packages come from within the free trade customs area of the European Union and are not subject to any customs control to reach PAKEDIA. Don’t forget that the United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union!
If you wish to make your purchases in a customs country or territory, you should be aware that we cannot advance payment of customs clearance fees to the arrival of your package at our warehouses. We are therefore obliged to refuse the delivery of the packages concerned.
Only pre-cleared packages can be received by PAKEDIA.
Both the Canary Islands and Ceuta and Melilla have a different tax regime to the mainland and all goods purchased in these territories must go through customs procedures. For this reason, if the merchandise you have purchased requires some kind of specific procedure or the payment of any tariff or tax for its reception, you must pay it before we receive it or we will not be able to receive your package.
7- Shipping and tracking
We work with a select network of international carriers (UPS, DHL, FEDEX, TNT, among others) to offer you a quality service at a very competitive price.
The carrier will inform you of the day of departure of your package from Spain, its tracking number and will provide you with a link through which you can track your package from your country.
For this purpose, you must indicate your e-mail address and mobile phone number when you sign up.
In most cases, yes!
When we deliver your package to the carrier, you will receive an e-mail to the e-mail address you provided with the tracking number of your package, through which you will be able to track your package.
However, for distant destinations, we cannot always guarantee full tracking of your package, as some countries are not obliged to scan the barcodes of packages entering their territory.
8- Transport to destination
We work with a select network of international carriers (UPS, DHL, FEDEX, TNT, among others) to offer you a quality service at a very competitive price.
The carrier will inform you of the day of departure of your package from Spain, its tracking number and will provide you with a link through which you can track your package from your country (for this purpose, you must indicate your e-mail address and mobile phone number when you sign up).
Depending on the country of destination, PAKEDIA offers two different shipping methods:
- Ground shipping: shipment is made by standard ground transportation. The shipping rate is based on the actual weight or volumetric weight, whichever is greater. The estimated delivery time is 2 to 6 business days, depending on the destination. If you would like an express delivery, please contact us.
- Air shipping: shipment is made by air transport (standard and express). The shipping rate is based on the actual weight or volumetric weight, whichever is greater.
- Air standard: the estimated delivery time is 3 to 4 business days, depending on the destination.
- Air express: the estimated delivery time is 1 to 2 business days, depending on destination.
Estimated delivery times are those provided by the carriers PAKEDIA works with. Since PAKEDIA does not transport the package to its destination, PAKEDIA cannot guarantee compliance with the estimated delivery times established by the carriers.
Yes, you can return your package to our warehouses on your own. You will have to contact the carrier of your choice and request the shipment to our warehouses.
We also offer you the possibility of returning your package to one of our trusted carriers. In this case, you will need to contact us so that we can inform you about the shipping rate.
Both shipping costs and other related costs (such as customs duties) will always be at your expense.
Whether you wish to return your package with a carrier of your choice or send it with one of our trusted carriers, you must contact us by e-mail at pedidos@pakedia.com to notify us of the arrival of a package on your behalf and tell us what to do with your package once it has been returned to our warehouses.
Remember that you must pack the items you want to return in the same condition you received the package or the carrier may refuse collection or increase the collection fee.
9- Insurance and claims
PAKEDIA is responsible for your package from the moment the carrier delivers it to our warehouses until we hand it over to the carrier that will take it to your destination. Our service, and therefore our responsibility, begins when we receive your package in our warehouses and ends when we deliver your package to the carrier, who will be responsible for delivering your package to your home.
At the time of delivery, you must check the condition of the package and its content in the presence of the carrier and only sign the dispatch note when you have checked it.
If you detect any incident (breakage, deformation, cracking, tearing, deep scratches, humidity, etc.), you must indicate it on the dispatch note that you will have to sign and give to the carrier and contact our customer service department immediately (within 24 hours) so that we can analyse what happened with the carrier.
In this case, you must keep the package and its packaging and take photos of the package in the condition in which you received it (closed and open), as well as photos of the damaged products and the interior protection of the items.
If the damage is not visible, indicate on the dispatch note “pending review of hidden damage”.
Depending on the carrier that has made the shipment, the claim must be made within 48 hours to 7 calendar days upon receipt of the goods, unless the damage was evident at the time of receipt, in which case the claim will only be accepted in the act of receipt.
Once these deadlines have elapsed, the carrier and/or insurer will not accept any complaint about the condition of the items transported.
In our Terms and Conditions, you can consult the items covered by transport insurance (if you have taken out insurance when requesting the forwarding of your purchases), as well as the conditions of packaging (inside and outside) and those that are not covered by insurance.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.
For full terms and conditions and deadlines for complaints, please see our Terms and Conditions.
If you wish to make your purchases in a customs country or territory, you should be aware that we cannot advance payment of customs clearance fees to the arrival of your package at our warehouses. We are therefore obliged to refuse the delivery of the packages concerned.
Only pre-cleared packages can be received by PAKEDIA.
All shipments to countries or territories outside the European Union (including Norway, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland) must comply with certain customs formalities. It is necessary to complete a series of documents depending on the origin and destination of the package, as well as its content and economic value, to avoid the package being rejected or stopped at customs.
In this respect, the submission of the following documents is indispensable:
- Commercial Invoice (completed by computer in English).
- Original Purchase Invoice(s) of the items transported.
- Photocopy of your passport in PDF format. This document is required by customs authorities.
The Commercial Invoice details the items contained in the packages, such as description, quantity, net weight, and value (excluding VAT) for each item. In this way, the customs services of each country will have the necessary information to be able to determine the possible customs duties that you will have to pay in the country of destination to be able to take the package. As explained above, without the delivery of these documents, your package will be blocked at customs, considerably delaying its delivery.
The Commercial Invoice must be completed thoroughly so that we can provide the carrier with quality documents and avoid possible problems or delays with the delivery of your package. When you request forwarding to your country, these documents must be attached to your package.
Therefore, in the following section “How to fill in the Commercial Invoice?“, we explain in detail how to fill in the Commercial Invoice.
You can download the Commercial Invoice from your personal area and attach it completed, together with the Original Purchase Invoice/s, at the time of requesting the forwarding of your package/s.
You should check beforehand the possible limitations imposed by customs in terms of weight, value, and/or type of merchandise. Some countries tend to be very demanding with the conditions, so we recommend that you check the restrictions of each country.
To avoid unpleasant surprises, we always recommend that you anticipate and estimate the customs charges you will have to pay by consulting the customs website of your country of residence.
You can also estimate on the website SimplyDuty.
When you request forwarding to a customs territory or country, our transport rate does not include customs duties or possible taxes to be paid at the destination.
For more information, please see our Terms and Conditions.
This information has been provided for indicative purposes only and cannot under any circumstances entail PAKEDIA’s liability if the information is incomplete or outdated.
You will always be responsible for the content of the shipment and for the correct completion and delivery of any documentation required for the transportation of your package to its destination. PAKEDIA will not be liable in any way for the accuracy of the information entered in the Commercial Invoice or any other documentation.
Shipments to a country or customs territory must be accompanied by a Commercial Invoice which must be completed in English. You will have to download it in your personal area, fill it in by computer (handwritten invoices are not accepted), and upload it in your personal area so that we can print the copies and attach them to your package.
It is mandatory to complete all fields of the Commercial Invoice as it is the document used by the customs authorities of the destination country to process the shipment, check for restrictions and/or possible prohibitions, and apply the corresponding taxes to the items transported.
Below we provide instructions to facilitate the completion of the Commercial Invoice:
- Customs invoice
You must indicate whether your shipment is commercial or non-commercial. If it is a commercial shipment, in the “Invoice number of the sale” field, you must enter the invoice number as stated in your Original Purchase Invoice. If you have made several purchases, please indicate the invoice numbers of your different purchases, separated by a semicolon “;”.
- Sender information
You must identify yourself as a “Private Person” or “Company” and provide your identification details.
You must fill in the field “Full name” as well as your passport number in the “Tax ID” field if you are a “Private Person”.
The data already filled in by default in section 2 must not be deleted or modified.
- Receiver information
You must identify yourself as a ‘Private Person’ or ‘Company’ and provide your full name, address, postal code, city, country, and phone number. It is very important to accurately indicate the country calling code (prefix) when entering your phone number.
If you are a “Private Person” you must enter your passport number again in the “National ID” field as indicated in section 2 above, in the “Tax ID” field.
This information is very important as it will be used by the customs authorities to contact you.
- Inventory of contents
a) Detailed description of each item in English
To speed up customs checks, we recommend that you give a detailed description of your items (material, brand, size, etc.).
For objects that may contain any material of animal origin such as leather, wool, silk, etc., you must mention the material and its origin, whether it is bovine leather or synthetic leather.
An example is attached for information purposes:
b) Tariff Number
Next to each item, you must indicate the international code (Tariff Number) used by the customs authorities to classify the goods. You can find the Tariff Number for each of your items on the website www.tariffnumber.com.
At the top of this web page, you can find the Tariff Number of your item by entering a short description of the item in English in the search bar. It is important to make sure that you have chosen the correct code for your item.
Declaring an incorrect Tariff Number can result in the goods being held up at customs, with the consequent delay, possible return to origin, or even generate higher taxes in the country of destination than those applicable. Therefore, it is vitally important that you assign the Tariff Number correctly and, of course, that you check beforehand that the goods you wish to forward are not restricted or prohibited by the destination country. If you have any doubts, we recommend that you check with the official bodies in your country.
c) Country of origin
Place of origin of the item.
d) Number of items
Here you must indicate the number of items you are sending of the same object, i.e. that share the same Tariff Number. If they do not share the same Tariff Number, you must indicate this on a new line.
If you send more than 13 different items, you will be able to continue filling in the inventory on an additional sheet that you can download in your personal area.
e) Item value
- Unit value: indicate the price you paid for this item according to the Original Purchase Invoice (which you must also upload to your personal area when requesting forwarding).
- Subtotal value: this field is automatically calculated if you enter more than one item of the same object.
- Shipping cost: indicate the amount you have paid to PAKEDIA for transportation, not including the amount of transport insurance if you have taken out insurance. In this field, you do not need to indicate the Tariff Number or complete the “Subtotal” field, you only need to fill in the “Item value” field.
When you enter all the data, you will see that the “Overall Total” field adds the “Subtotal” value of the contents of the shipment, excluding shipping costs.
- Reason for export
You must indicate the reason for your export (purchase or sale, documents, etc.). If you have made a purchase in Spain and wish to export it, you must indicate “Purchase or sale”.
- Shipment details
a) Number of packages
Here you must indicate the number of packages you are forwarding. As a general rule, you should enter “1” even if you have requested the consolidation service, as we will have put all your original packages in a new box.
b) Total package(s) weight
Here you must indicate the weight of the new consolidated package that we have indicated to you in your personal area when you made the forwarding request.
c) Shipping cost
Here you must indicate again the amount you have paid PAKEDIA for the forwarding of your package, not including the price of the transport insurance if you have taken out any.
- Declaration of dual-use
Following European regulations and current legislation, you must declare that the items you are forwarding are not for military use.
- CITES Declaration
By European regulations and current legislation on the protection of endangered or threatened species of wild fauna and flora, you must declare that the items you are forwarding have not been manufactured from prohibited materials.
If you have any questions, please consult the CITES Species Checklist.
- Permanent export
In this last point, you declare that you are aware that your shipment will not be exported temporarily, so standard customs duties will be applied.
Remember that PAKEDIA does not handle temporary exports, only permanent ones.
Finally, sign the declaration, indicate the completion date, and attach the Commercial Invoice and the Original Purchase Invoice in your personal area.
You will always be responsible for the content of the shipment and for the correct completion and delivery of any documentation required for the transportation of your package to its destination. PAKEDIA will not be liable in any way for the accuracy of the information entered in the Commercial Invoice or any other documentation.
When we receive a new package, we always try to register it within 24 working hours. However, during busy periods such as sales, Black Friday, or Christmas, this timeframe can be affected.
Our delivery times will depend on the service you have contracted (MINI, STANDARD, or MAXI) but usually, once we have received your instructions and you have paid for the service, we process your package within 24 hours (business days) and notify the carrier who will collect it within 1 to 3 business days.
Remember that we receive your packages in our warehouses, process your forwarding request, create your new package, and notify the carrier from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm, except holidays.
Depending on the country of destination, PAKEDIA offers two different shipping methods:
- Ground shipping: shipment is made by standard ground transportation. The shipping rate is based on the actual weight or volumetric weight, whichever is greater. The estimated delivery time is 2 to 6 business days, depending on the destination. If you would like an express delivery, please contact us.
- Air shipping: shipment is made by air transport (standard and express). The shipping rate is based on the actual weight or volumetric weight, whichever is greater.
- Air standard: the estimated delivery time is 3 to 4 business days, depending on the destination.
- Air express: the estimated delivery time is 1 to 2 business days, depending on destination.
Estimated delivery times are those provided by the carriers PAKEDIA works with. Since PAKEDIA does not transport the package to its destination, PAKEDIA cannot guarantee compliance with the estimated delivery times established by the carriers.
We accept payment by credit card VISA or Mastercard, as well as via Paypal.
Once we have received your package and you have chosen one of our three forwarding options (MINI, STANDARD, or MAXI), you will have to pay for the service so that we can arrange the forwarding of your package with the carrier.